How to Fall-Proof Your Home
If you are caring for elders in Memphis , or are concerned about your own wellbeing at home, this video provides some important tips on how to ensure your home is a safe as possible. Around a third of seniors suffer a fall each year, many of them inside their own homes. c
The video suggests making the bathtub more accessible by creating a bathtub cut-out, to allow seniors to get in and out of the tub more easily. The presenter also recommends placing an additional booster seat onto the toilet, to add height. The seat can contain arm grips for extra security. The presenters advise removing door saddles and other obstacles which people could trip over. Watch the video for more advice on how to fall-proof your home.
Why Seniors Benefit from Having Companionship
As people age, they may become increasingly socially isolated. Children and other close relatives may have moved to a different part of the country. Many friends and colleagues from their own youth may have predeceased them. Decreased mobility or poor health may make it more difficult for seniors to stay mobile. Some may become increasingly restricted to their own homes. It is important to find ways to combat the dangers of isolation. Companionship is vital to maintaining good mental and physical health,at every age. Seek out caring companions near Memphis , who can help to provide company for older people, alleviating their loneliness.
Improved Physical and Mental Health
Stress is a major cause of illness for people of all ages. Being surrounded by a good social network has been shown to reduce stress. People who retain friendships and connections have been shown to enjoy better health in old age. Studies have also demonstrated that companionship can help keep us mentally alert in our senior years. Older people who remain socially active are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other diseases associated with a decline in mental acuity. Sharing anecdotes can help to keep memories vivid. Shared humor can lift people’s spirits, and jokes can help keep seniors mentally sharp.
A Sense of Belonging
At all ages, people flourish when they feel a sense of belonging. Seniors, in particular, benefit from being part of a community of their peers. Daily social interactions can help give them a sense of purpose. Sensitive companions can provide empathy with their troubles. Affectionate touches, such as gentle hugs, can make people feel calmer and more content. When seniors are surrounded by companions, they feel more integrated into society. Discussions with others can help keep them in touch with the outside world. The company of others helps to keep us feeling wanted and needed, at all ages. It can be especially important for seniors, who can become isolated all too easily. Seek out life-enriching social relationships for you and your loved-ones for life.
Answering Questions Families Have About End-of-Life Care
If your loved-one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, there may come a point at which you have to make the difficult decision to end his or her medical treatment. If he or she is suffering and there is no prospect of recovery, the time may come to end all medical interventions except palliative treatment, and seek end-of-life care in Memphis . At this point, the priority is to make sure that your loved-one spends his or her last days and weeks with as much dignity as possible.
Treatments and Therapies
There are number of medical and psychological treatments available to help make your loved-on comfortable during the final period of his or her life. Trained professionals can prescribe and administer pain medication. The loved-one may also need medications to alleviate other symptoms, such as nausea, digestive problems, or difficulty breathing. Treatments may be administered at home or in a hospital, depending on his or her needs and wishes. Spiritual and psychological support is also crucial. Counselors, together with spiritual leaders, if appropriate, and other skilled professionals can offer guidance and emotional support.
Advanced Directives
Most patients find it reassuring to talk about their wishes for end-of-life care well in advance. This allows them to make decisions calmly, while they are still in relatively good health and can think clearly. Their primary care physicians should discuss the available options clearly and frankly. Knowing that they have already made all the necessary arrangements offers many patients peace of mind. The loved-on can draw up an advanced care directive , designating a proxy decision-maker, and detailing his or her specific wishes with regard to care. This enables friends and relatives to know exactly what to do later, even if the patient is too incapacitated to be able to express his or her own needs or desires.
Emotional Support
If you are caring for someone in the final stages of a terminal illness, there are a few simple things you can do to help him or her come to terms with the situation. Talk to your loved-on about his or her life. Reminisce, share memories, recall achievements, even share jokes. Celebrate your shared past and look to the future by discussing the lives and prospects of his or her other family members. Don’t hesitate to seek professional support if you need it.
Should Your Senior Loved One Stay Home Unattended?
One of the most difficult decisions every family will face some day is how best to care for aging loved ones. Elderly care can often be a contentious topic for families, as seniors typically desire to stay at home, while their loved ones worry for their safety. Although seniors may be initially hesitant to acquiesce to elderly care, there is a solution that can meet everyone’s needs: in-home care. With in-home care, a caregiver helps your senior loved one stay independent in the familiar surroundings of home, providing as much care needed. Learn more about in-home care in this infographic from Caring Companions . We provide in-home care in Memphis and can help you find the right solution for your loved one’s need. Call us to discuss your concerns and find out which service may be right for you. Every family will contend with this choice some day, so please share this information.
Talking to Your Parents About Senior Care
At a certain point in their lives, your parents may need elderly care or homecare assistance near Memphis . It may be difficult for your parents to accept that they need in-home care, so you should plan to have an in-depth conversation about the matter. When having such a conversation, be sure to stress to you parents that they will not need to move out of their home, but instead will simply have regular visits from a home health aide or in-home caregiver.
If your parents are particularly resistant to the idea of in-home elder care, you can consult with a therapist or counselor who has experience in caring for elders. This professional can act as a mediator between you and your parents to make the conversation easier and more constructive. Be sure to listen carefully to your parents’ feelings and concerns and address each one specifically so that they know they’re being heard.
When the time comes to contact a home health care company regarding in-home care, you should make sure that your parents are involved in the process. They should meet any potential caregiver before any elder care services are contracted.
Signs Your Loved One May Need Extra Care
It’s perfectly normal for a senior to need some extra care as he or she advances in age, particularly given that growing older can increase the risk of numerous health problems. However, knowing exactly when to make the transition to in-home care can be difficult. Even if you don’t think your loved one needs some extra care right now, it’s a good idea to research your options for elder care in Memphis. Once you know which assisted living options are available in your area, you can begin to plan how to meet your loved one’s changing needs.
Cognitive Indicators
Cognitive impairment becomes more likely as your loved one ages. At some point, your loved one’s cognitive difficulties can inhibit his or her ability to perform self-care tasks. It’s advisable to introduce your loved one to a caregiver before these issues become too severe. Some indicators that it’s time to discuss elder care with your loved one include forgetting to take medications, forgetting to eat meals, displaying signs of confusion, and missing doctor’s appointments.
Physical Signs
Sometimes, the need for elder care becomes obvious rather abruptly, such as when a loved one suffers a stroke or a fall. In other cases, a loved one may gradually experience increasing physical limitations. Unusual changes in sleeping or eating patterns, difficulty walking, problems keeping up with the housework, and frequently developing bumps, bruises, or more severe injuries are some of the signs that your loved one may need extra care.
Socio-Emotional Issues
Seniors are at a high risk of suffering from depression and other mental disorders. Unfortunately, the signs of depression among the elderly can easily be mistaken for indicators of Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Often, depression is attributable to social isolation. Consider whether your loved one still participates in his or her favorite activities, goes out to the senior’s center or other gathering places, and meets with friends regularly. If not, he or she could be experiencing mental health issues. Hiring a caregiver for your loved one will provide him or her with crucial social contact, cognitive stimulation, and of course, day-to-day care.
Steps for Simplifying Your Senior’s Life
As your loved one ages, he may need more and more help completing everyday tasks. Luckily, an in-home caregiver near Memphis can provide elder care services, assisted living services, and home health care for your loved one. In-home care ensures that your loved one remains safe, happy, and healthy without requiring him to move out of his own home.
Watch this video for some great tips for simplifying your elderly loved one’s life. You’ll get advice on removing hazards from the home, staying involved in your loved one’s health care, and contacting a home health agency about their senior assisted living services.
Caring for a Loved One at the End of Life
As your terminally ill loved one nears the end of life, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed with anticipatory grief and the challenges of meeting your loved one’s needs. If your family hasn’t already done so, you may reach out to a hospice care provider. Arranging for home care in Memphis can ensure your loved one receives the help he or she needs while giving your family some much needed time to simply be present with your loved one.
Assisting with Basic Tasks
It’s likely that your loved one will become increasingly unable to care for him-or herself. Your loved one may be confined to a bed, which means he or she needs assistance with toileting. It is often difficult for family members, particularly adult children, to help their loved ones with tasks of such a personal nature. A home health care provider can assist your loved one with toileting to preserve his or her dignity. An in-home care provider can also help you position your loved one to improve comfort and reduce the risk of bedsores. There are many other things you can do to improve your loved one’s physical comfort. If he or she is no longer eating and drinking, you may apply lip balm and periodically insert a small ice chip into his or her mouth. If your loved one appears to be in pain, let the physician know that he or she may need additional medications or a stronger dose.Providing Reassurance
Even as individuals at the end of life lose many basic functions, they can often still hear their family members. Touch his or her hand to let your loved one know you’re there and speak to him or her with a calming voice. If your loved one is aware enough to respond to the surroundings, he or she may sometimes become agitated or confused. Provide reassurance as needed. The physician can address severe agitation.Understanding End of Life Changes
It is impossible to know how long someone will require end of life care. You may wish to learn some of the indicators that the end is near so that you can prepare yourself. Generally, individuals become withdrawn and sleep more than usual. They may want to change positions frequently and they may have changes in breathing. Do not become alarmed if your loved one refuses food and drink; this is also typical. -
How At-Home Care Can Benefit the Elderly
When your senior loved one needs assistance taking care of him or herself, home health care in Memphis could be the best solution. At-home care offers many benefits to seniors and their families, whether your loved one needs very basic home care services or something more complex, like dementia or hospice care. Why should you consider at-home care for your senior loved one? Here is a look at some of the benefits.
Familiar Surroundings
Leaving home can be a difficult experience for seniors. Many studies have indicated that seniors do better when they receive care at home. They don’t have to adjust to new surroundings, and being in familiar environments can be emotionally comforting. For patients with Alzheimer’s, staying at home can be particularly helpful during the early stages of the disease. Whatever level of care your loved one needs, in-home care aides can help provide it.Personal Freedom
When your loved one moves to a care facility, he or she will inevitably lose personal freedom. There will be set meal times, times for specific activities, and restrictions on visitors. This can cause distress for seniors as well as their families. With home health care, your loved one will be able to maintain the right level of independence while still getting the support he or she needs.
Financial Savings
Whenever a loved one needs care, there is always a financial aspect to consider. Although most people assume otherwise, it can actually be more cost-effective to use at-home care rather than moving a loved one to a nursing home or assisted living facility. One of the biggest financial benefits of home health care is that you can structure it specifically to your loved one’s needs. You will only have to pay for a caregiver when your loved one needs it instead of paying for care around the clock, as you would at a care facility. This option also allows family members to take on some of the care responsibilities, which helps to lower costs. -
The Importance of Respite Care
When you’re tasked with taking care of a loved one, taking care of yourself is just as important of a job—and it can seem just as difficult to do. Caregivers often feel overwhelmed and guilty about taking time for themselves, but in reality, it’s impossible to provide the care you want to give if you aren’t at your best. Respite care near Memphis allows you to get the break you need while knowing that your loved one is still receiving the support he or she requires. Here is a look at why respite care is an essential part of being a caregiver.
Physical Health
Many caregivers find that they get sick more often than they did before they were in charge of providing care. It’s no surprise that this happens, since you’re more likely to miss out on sleep, healthy eating, and regular exercise when your loved one needs your attention. When your body doesn’t get the basic things it needs, like rest and nutrition, you become more vulnerable to infection. With respite care, a home health aide can take over care duties while you sleep, work out, or simply rest and let your body heal.Emotional Health
Being a caregiver is rewarding, but it is also emotionally demanding. The less help you have with care, the more stressful your duties can become. In addition to the damage that long-term stress can do to you, you may find that you become inpatient with your loved one because of the pressure. Respite care gives you an important opportunity to focus on yourself and do things that bring you pleasure, such as engaging in favorite hobbies and spending time with friends, which can help to restore your emotional health.
Personal Relationships
Because of the demands of your caregiving duties, you may have less time for important personal relationships. You can preserve these connections with the help of respite care. Use the opportunity to go out with your spouse, spend the day with your kids, or catch up with an old friend.